Here are some photos of me from birth to 3 months old:


One day old:

I was born at Carcassonne, capital of the Aude département in the Languedoc-Roussillon region of France, at 11.37 pm on Sunday 22 June 2008. My Apgar score was 10 out of 10.

My full name is Guilhem Bertrand Ramon McDonald

Guilhem is pronounced to rhyme with "leeyem". It's a local name but has lots of variants: In French it's Guillaum; in English William; In Irish Liam; in Catalan Gillem, in Castillian Guillermo, in Dutch Willem or Wim and in German Wilhelm. By coincidence I share a birthday with Wilhelm von Humboldt.

One of my great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great - grandfathers was William the Marshall, which papa thinks I'll be very proud of one day.

My mama called me Bertrand and my papa chose the name Ramon.

First Week


I was born with blue eyes, but they may be changing colour. Let's see in a few more weeks.


Second Week


Some other Guilhems:

  • Guilhem-Curt-Nez, ("William-Short-Nose") later Saint Guilhem of Gellon, founder of St-Guilhem-le-Desert
  • Guilhem Belibaste - heretic according to some, martyr according to others.
  • Many troubadours, including Guilhèm d'Aquitània (grandfather of Eleanor of Aquitaine), Guilhem Ademar, Guilhem Figueira, Guilhem Rainol d'Apt, Guilhem de Durfort, Guilhem Augier Novella, Guilhem de Montanhagol, Guilhem Anelier de Tolosa, Guilhem d'Anduza, Guilhem de Balaruc, Guilhem de Biars, Guilhem Fabre, Guilhem Uc d'Albi, Guilhem, Evesque de Bazas, Peire Guilhem de Tolosa, Guilhem de Tudela, Guilhem Magret, and Guilhem de Cabestanh.


Three to six Weeks
I'm still doing lots of sleeping and drinking milk, and have just hit on the idea of looking at things and smiling. Over 6 Kg now. Thinking about getting some teeth soon.
Six Weeks to 3 Months

Got a passport now, and I made my first visit abroad to London, but still no teeth.

My eyes are fetching grey, but it looks like they're slowly turning brown.




Most recent photos of me

Photos of me from 7 to 8 years

Photos of me from 6 to 7 years

Photos of me from 5 to 6 years

Photos of me from 4 to 5 years

Photos of me from 3 to 4 years

Photos of me from 2 to 3 years

Photos of me from 18 to 24 Months

Photos of me from 12 to 18 Months

Photos of me from 9 to 12 Months

Photos of me from 6 to 9 Months

Photos of me from 3 to 6 Months

Photos of me from birth to 3 Months



You can e-mail me at